On Saturday, May 15, 2004, 12:49:03 AM, Michael St. Laurent wrote:

MSL> I know that Clamav has signatures in the database for the various species of
MSL> the Sasser worm and when I check the sigtool database they are listed.
MSL> What's the problem then you ask?  There is not a single instance in our log
MSL> files of it hitting our filter.  We've got *plenty* of others being logged
MSL> like Bagel, SomeFool, MyDoom, Gibe, Sober, BugBear, etc.  No Sasser though.

MSL> This worries me.  :-(  I feel like the guy in the UPS commercial who can't
MSL> handle the fact that there isn't a problem.  ;-D

Sasser is not a Mail worm - so a mailscanner wont see too much of
them. :-)

Best regards,
 Christoph                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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