
I am running clamav-0.70 with mailscanner (rebuilt the Fedora RPMs on RHEL3), and I have had for the first time something I have not had in a very long time; Segmentation fault, :-( Bye..

I searched the logs, and this occurred as follows:

Tue May 4 16:08:13 2004 -> Segmentation fault :-( Bye..

and at precisely 16:08:13, MailScanner reports the following virus:

May  4 16:08:13 MailScanner[16448]: /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/16448/
.i44K7gOj020343/%nTips.exe: Worm.Klez.H FOUND

Is it possible that a %n in the filename (*which is surely illegal*) could cause clamd to crash in such a way? This is obviously the scan that caused the segmentation fault, however is this the reason?

Thanks in advance,


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