Did you patch clamav-0.70, or clamav-0.67? The patch I included, is for clamav-0.70 which is quite different to preceding versions. I'm guessing that you've patched clamav-0.67 which doesn't have the source files shared/output.c and shared/output.h which the patch also patches. The other file affected is clamd/clamd.c (3 in all).
Don't forget the following in clamav.conf:
LogFile stderr LogFileUnlock LogFileMaxSize 0 FixStaleSocket Foreground ...
Hello Dave,
I patched 0.70 ;) and yes I have those settings in my clamav.conf. I guess clamd should log to "stdout" and NOT to "stderr" for multilog to work - at least 0.67-1 did that. Or am I wrong?
Thanks for your help and have a nice day,
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