> >This might be slightly off-base here, but anyone know if clamd leaks and if
> >there's any current patch? I'm running 0.70-rc. Below's the memory usage
> >showing clamd eating up the mem resource.
> >2621 qscand    15   0  815M 477M   352 S     0.5 47.4 462:01   1 clamd
> Update to 0.70.

 The problem exists in 0.70, too. I'll do some more debugging, but any
 solution as mentioned (restarting clamd after crashed) is not suitable
 in an production environment.

 I take a look at the list of contrib tools, and there found gadyavirus
 (or similar, complicate name ;). It uses clamav.h and works as a daemon
 too and works extremely fast - without the leaking problem. As the 
 normal clamscan also seems to work well, it must be something thats
 specific to the clamd itself causing the (sporadic, but fatal) problem.

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