In the message dated: Thu, 13 May 2004 14:21:55 +0200,
The pithy ruminations from "Flynn" on 
<Re: [Clamav-users] What is this Exploit.JUnksurf.A ?> were:
=> > 
=> > If your md5sum does NOT match, then reinstalling is probably your best
=> > option.
=> > 
=> I would suggest to run this :
=>   for i in $(rpm -qa);do rpm -V $i | grep bin;done
=> before taking the decision of reinstalling everything...

If you're concerned about file corruption, maybe. If you're concerned that 
you've been hacked, neither of those techniques is very useful, unless the 
md5sum executable, the rpm executable, and the rpm database are located on 
known-good, read-only media, such as a the distribution CD.


=> Flynn

Mark Bergman

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