Antony Stone wrote:
On Friday 02 April 2004 6:56 pm, Doc Schneider wrote:
Tomasz Klim wrote:
This is a test message only. I'm sending it only to announce my e-mail address to all infected e-mail clients, to provoke them to send a copy of viruses. Don't be angry.
Heck Thomasz if you want viruses I have over 2000 caught in the past couple months. 8*))
If they were all different that would be something useful :)
I bet there's no more than 6 types there?
Actually, just looked and there are about 30 or so distinct virii. Maybe more different ones than this as I just did a quick count. But of course a lot of the same ones with variations.
Some of them are really old viruses too.
And being someone who does "tech support" for an ISP I find it is just so silly that some of these old viruses are still being propagated. I tell all the customers I deal with to make sure they ARE getting the latest definations from whatever anti-virus software they are using and run that buggar, at minimum, once a week!
It is funny that I am even calling these e-mail attachments viruses. I remember when a TRUE virus got into the boot sector and did real damage to a system.
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