We run clamAV on a bunch of RH 6.2 servers, and it runs fine except on one 
server. We are running 0.68-1, using clamd in procmail to scan for viruses 
on an individual mailbox basis:
/usr/local/bin/clamdscan --disable-summary --stdout  -

On this one machine, clamd will often use up all available memory (2-3 
times per day), and completely lockup, having our monitor script kill and 
restart it. Right now, clamd is using 23 MB of memory, while all of our 
servers are only using 12-13MB of memory for clamd.

clamav    3471  0.0 81.2 430576 420132 ?     S    02:00   0:00 
clamav    3473  0.0 81.2 430576 420004 ?     S    02:00   0:00 
clamav    3474  0.0 81.2 430576 419996 ?     S    02:00   0:02 
money4id 17383  0.0  0.0  1408  492 ?        S    09:10   0:00 [clamdscan]
clamav   17411 28.0 81.0 432624 418812 ?     D    09:10   0:20 

In the clamd.log file, we see entries like:
Sat Mar 20 23:13:05 2004 -> Session 0 stopped due to timeout.
Sat Mar 20 23:15:00 2004 -> Session 1 stopped due to timeout.
Sat Mar 20 23:15:07 2004 -> Session 2 stopped due to timeout.
Sat Mar 20 23:15:08 2004 -> Session 3 stopped due to timeout.
Sat Mar 20 23:15:09 2004 -> Session 4 stopped due to timeout.
Sun Mar 21 03:43:02 2004 -> Session 1 stopped due to timeout.

right before it is locked up. I removed all files, and did a fresh 
install, including a new freshclam, but that does not seem to help. All of 
our other RH 6.2 boxes seem to be fine. Here is the clamav.conf file:
LogFile /var/log/clamd.log
LogFileMaxSize 20M
PidFile /var/run/clamd.pid
LocalSocket /tmp/clamd
MaxThreads 10
MaxDirectoryRecursion 15
User clamav
ArchiveMaxFileSize 10M
ArchiveMaxRecursion 5
ArchiveMaxFiles 1000

Any ideas? Thanks.


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