Thank you Everton!

 I have amavisd-new with spamassassin, and clamd is the only virus scanner
I have on that system. Therefore, when amavisd starts, it automatically
starts using clamd. However, with all the new versions, I noticed that
clamd would start out fine, clean out some viruses for some 10-20 minutes,
and then do nothing else. Nothing else visible in clamd.log, it just uses
lots of CPU and does nothing, while amavisd keeps waiting forever.

 Yesterday, as a stopgap solution, I wrote a C program to monitor the last
change time of clamd.log, and if it has not been changed in the last 3
minutes, I kick clamd and restart it. Ugly solution, and it will probably
have problems with amavisd, so I await a proper fix. 


On Tue, 16 Mar 2004, Everton da Silva Marques wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 16, 2004 at 03:36:40PM +0200, turgut kalfaoglu wrote:
> > I am running clamav under SunOS 5.8.  Ever since version 0.67 (or so, I 
> > am not checking them regularly) , I have been unable to leave ClamAV 
> > running. It does run, but after some minutes, it stops processing 
> > emails. It is still running, in fact, it uses up to 85% of the CPU(!), 
> > but no email goes thru. Did anyone else experience this problem?
> Yes.
> I have posted a similiar issue here:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg06462.html
> Doug Hardie is tracking a similar issue:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg06907.html
> Do you have ScanMail enabled? It seems ScanMail
> renders clamd really unstable.
> I haven't found a final fix other than to watch clamd.
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Turgut Kalfaoglu:
EgeNet Internet Services:

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