On 3/15/04 9:21 PM, "Fajar A. Nugraha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Local mirror? Just have one primary freshclam download *.cvd to the root
> directory of
> your local webserver. Then setup other freshclams to point to that
> webserver
> (with DatabaseMirror directive). To reduce lag, you could setup the
> secondary freshclams
> to check your local mirror more often (e.g. once every 30 minutues).

I did something similar, but I'm STILL having the problem with clamd
sometimes taking forever to reload the database.

I changed my setup so that freshclam runs on a box that grabs the
definitions and updates them.  Then on the other servers I use rsync to grab
the files from the NFS share to the local dir, something like:

rsync -a /nfs/clamav /usr/local/share/clamav

Which works flawlessly and now I have the database on the local disk, but I
still see things like this:

Mar 16 07:39:47 mx1-b clamd[65425]: SelfCheck: Database modification
detected. Forcing reload.
Mar 16 07:39:47 mx1-b clamd[65425]: Reading databases from
Mar 16 07:47:32 mx1-b clamd[65425]: Database correctly reloaded (20483

Notice that it took almost 8 minutes to reload the database.   I'm running
clamd / ClamAV version devel-20040312 on FreeBSD 4.9.

Anyone have any suggestions?  It's getting really annoying because it's
causing a lot of problems with the mail servers.

Robert Blayzor, BOFH
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