
We're evaluating clamav to use with our mail server. So far I'm very
enthousiastic, espec cause clamav detects the encrypted zip files and
the speed new signatures come available but unfortunately I'm not the
only one who decides if we're going to use it anyway we're running:
clamd / ClamAV version 0.67
freshclam / ClamAV version 0.67

We only got a two small problems, we let freshclam check every hour for
updates and it gets them, the problems with it:

We have had problems with the databasemirror set as
database.clamav.net. we got the errors:

>From the log:
ERROR: Malformed CVD header detected.
ERROR: Can't read main.cvd header from database.clamav.net (ourproxy)
Trying again...

After setting it to a real mirror everything went fine. But we prefer
to use the database.clamav.net.

I just read the UpdateDB mail:
Submission: 1890
Sender: Dirk Mueller
Submitted virus name: WM97/Outblack-A
Virus name: WM97.Outblack.A
Virus name alias: IRC-Worm.Blackput (kaspersky)
Note: Latest CVS version of ClamAV is required to detect 
Note: the macro viruses.
Added: Yes

Does this mean our version of clamav doesn't detect macro viruses at
all? If so what other forms of virusses doesn't it detect?

Thanx for making a awesome program and hopefully one day I can inform
you we're going to use it for real.

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