
(I am new to the list, but have scanned the archives and have been
unable to find a complete answer to this, although it has been brought
up once or twice ...)

I'd like to be able to see the alias names for detected viruses.  The
clamav-virusdb announcements include aliases, but searching the mail
archives is a rather haphazard way of matching up viruses with different

I was originally rather alarmed because, when I first installed ClamAV
last week, I did:

> sigtool --list-sigs | grep -i netsky

and got nothing back!  My initial response was "Whoa!  It's out of date

I use ClamAV and Sophos in series on our mail server and would like to
tie up which viruses are actually the same thing ...

There was a message on the archives from about three weeks ago from
someone who was planning to maintain an web page listing the aliases, so
my questions are:

1. Is this web page live?  If so, what's the address?

2. Can the alias details be extracted from the .cvd files?  If not
currently, is there any way to add this detail?

3. Is searching the archives of clamav-virusdb the only way to find
alias names currently?



Dave Ewart
Computing Manager, Epidemiology Unit, Oxford
Cancer Research UK
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