I'm tweaking RPMs for our use and trying to give decent feedback to
Kristof regarding changes in the RPMs that he publically provides and I
wondered if anyone could provide some feedback on ulimits.

On RedHat there is an option when starting a daemon to start it using
the user so:

su - <username> -s /bin/bash -c "commandline"

and this will allow one to set ulimits for that user and his shell.
Other than that I couldn't figure out how to get clamav to respect it's
user limits as set in /etc/security/limits.conf.

Further, it seems as though clamd sets its current working directory to
/ despite where it is started unless I start it in Foreground mode. This
prevents clamd from writing its core file.

Both of these have come up due to a reproducible memory over consumption
caused by parsing a nested message caused by an unfortunate mail loop on
our servers.

Nigel has a copy of an email that reproduces the problem and I hope he
will be able to reproduce it on his end and target the code that is
causing the problem.

Thanks for all your help on this. It has been a major headache here, but
we really want to provide ClamAV as a production network distributed
milter and I think we are pretty close.

Robert Schmidt -- UNIX Tech Support
MC1021 519-888-4567 x6453

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