On Tue, 2004-02-24 at 13:46, Mitch (WebCob) wrote:
> Helen, the editor of virusbtn.com says as far as she knows, Clam AV has
> never been submitted for review.
> I asked for details on the process, and ask here if there is any reason NOT
> to submit to various reviewers - don't want to step on toes, but I figure
> the broader range of support we can get for the project, the faster our
> response times will be to detecting virii in the wild etc.
> I was given a pdf of a response time article written by Andreas
> Marx at AV-test.org, but on a side note, she thinks he was unofficially
> stating that Clam AV had only a 56% rate detection of virii in the wild -
> I'd say my experience is better, perhaps this is someone to chat with?

My personal opinion would be that it isn't worth doing until after a
release of clamav is done with VBA support, and that signatures are
added for (at least) the wildlist macro viruses.

Without that, the theoretical maximum score clamav could get is too low,
and may do more harm than good.


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