Hello Lucas,

Wednesday, February 18, 2004, 5:32:06 PM, you wrote:

LA> I saw this virus show up today:Worm.SomeFool

LA> Updated here:
LA> Submission: 1235-web
LA>  Sender: Tobias Oetiker
LA>  Virus: Unknown Virus
LA>  Added: Worm.SomeFool
LA>  Notes: File uses the same icon as a word document,double extension
LA> (.rtf.pif i.e.),starts
LA> to massmail with a own smtp engine, drops a 'services.exe' in the
LA> %windows% folder. Name
LA> could be changed later.

LA> Is it this mcafee virus?
LA> This is a Medium Threat Advisory for W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] worm.
LA> Justification
LA> W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] has been deemed Medium due to prevalence.
LA> Read About It
LA> Information about W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] is located on VIL at:
LA> http://vil.nai.com/vil/content/v_101034.htm

Yes, thatīs it. When i added the signature none of my scanners was
able to detect it  and i named it Worm.SomeFool cause i didnīt want to
waste time on a name research while the worm starts to spread. Iīll
rename it with the next update.

Best regards,
 Christoph                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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