On Tue, 17 Feb 2004, Erik Corry wrote:

> Here's a feature idea:  An option to freshclam in daemon mode that gives
> it a file to watch.  When the file changes, we download updates (perhaps
> after a random delay).  That way I can subscribe to the database mailing
> list, set up procmail to put mails from the list in a special folder,
> then use that to trigger freshclam.

That's what I thought of in some previous thread:-


I was just thinking the other day that this will cause spikes of
connectivity to the freshclam db server, once everybody does this. :)
Interestingly though, you touched on 'random delay' before launching
freshclam, after a new update announced at virus-db. Care to elaborate on
this idea? My first take on it, it won't be very scalable, perhaps we need
to design some kind of distributed (possibly hierarchical) model for push
updates. No details, just thinking out loud at the moment.

> Alternatively I could install freshclam setuid and trigger it directly
> with procmail, but I'm not sure freshclam is safe to use in setuid mode.

Couldn't you just play with UNIX permissions on the freshclam db directory
to remove the setuid requirement? Or perhaps, make procmail call a
wrapper, which does a 'sudo freshclam...', with sudoers configured based
on least privilege rule.

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