Since I sent from the wrong address and the "moderator" killed it as
always (why have a moderator if you're always going to kill the messages
days later without regard to their merit???  Why not just bounce/reject
them immediately???) here's the repost...


----- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----
    Date: Sat,  7 Feb 2004 13:35:04 -0600
    From: Eric Rostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Eric Rostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] clamav info-site (WAS: Accessing the virus-db via
php or perl)

Quoting Luc de Louw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I'm on the way to build up a multilanguage info site about clamav and
> the viruses known by clamav. The code is in PHP and the license will be GPL

Sounds great!

> Right now implemented: (almost nothing)
> - GNU gettext i18n

Since you are just starting still, you might want to think about using
a framework like Horde ( for this.  I'd bet the horde project
would welcome such a module (though ultimately probably wanting to extend
it to use any virus product and not just clamav).

In fact, as I'm part of the Horde project, I'd be willing to not only
try to help getting it into horde, but also help you with setup and coding
and so on...

> - import of sigtool -u in a MySQL|PostgreSQL Database

Great (and thanks for including pgsql and not just mysql).

> - Tracking of new Database inputs
> - Form to enter additional information what a particular virus is doing
> (Password protected, authorized users only?)

It would be great if you could have:

1) Authoritive/authenticated users add content which would be shown as
2) Anyone add any non-authoritive info, which would be shown as non-authoritive

I'm thinking kind of like the php manual, where there is the authoritive
manual part, and then the user added discussions/submissions below it.

So, you might have three parts:

1) Info from the clamav database
2) Authoritive info about the virus (description, etc)
3) General discussion (Has anyone seen this in the wild?  Anyone know how
to clean it from a machine?  Here's how we configured our router to stop
the DDoS component of this virus...  stuff like that).

> The goal is actually, that end-users can query a database to check if a
> particular virus is allready recognized.

That would be job #1.  If we could add more info about the virus also,
then all the better.

> The r/o mailinglist is not very
> comfortable for endusers, especially, if they do not speak english.

Yes.  And that i18n goal kind of goes against the "let anyone add anything"
concept, but I still think it would be useful to people even if it wasn't
translated, etc.  (Or maybe users would translate others postings if they
thought they were important enough, etc.)

> What are you thinking about my plans?

Sounds good.  Even as the stand-alone project you propose it sounds great.
But I could see it going even further.  There is an obvious demand for such
a product (just see the mailing list archives).

> Luc

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

----- End forwarded message -----

Eric Rostetter

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