Hello Carl,

Sunday, February 8, 2004, 3:05:56 PM, you wrote:

C> I have clamav .65 with milter .60 installed in a sendmail
C> system.  clamav-milter seems to catch all the files except those in
C> .zip files.

C> I recieved mydoom in .zip files and it was scanned and tagged
C> as clean by clamav-milter so I saved the attachment and scanned it
C> with clamscan and it too said it was clean.

C> Any suggestions on configs I may have screwed up?

C> in my conf i have StreamSaveToDisk, ScanMail, ScanArchive, and ArchiveMaxFileSize 

If some other scanner detected something in it, please submit the
samples at http://clamav.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/sendvirus.cgi .
There are many damaged mydoom/SCO.A arround at the moment. To add a
proper signature we need some more samples.

Best regards,
 Christoph                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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