On Wednesday 04 Feb 2004 11:29 pm, Stevens, John wrote:

>> Anyhoo, I cannot find a reference to in_port_t in any of the many in.h
>> files on my system.  Remember, it is a Cobalt (Sun) RAQ3 box, pretty close
>> to redhat linux.  So if there is a package or glibc update that I should
>> have, please point it out.  I can then try and find it and install it.
>> From memory this has been a problem with one other piece of software I
>> tried to compile once.

Try looking for in_port_t in all headers.
It's probably in some "*-devel" RPM, but I'm sorry to say I don't know what.
I can only suggest either handcrafting into clamav-milter.c:
        typedef unsigned short in_port_t;
or asking the distributors of your O/S for guidance.

>> John Stevens


I had the same problem on a RH 6.2 box and to get around that little nasty this is 
what i did.

Edit /usr/include/netinet/in.h
go down to line 64 just before

/* Standard well-known ports.  */

and add

typedef uint16_t in_port_t;

save the file and run make on clamav with --enable-milter support and you shouldn't 
have a problem



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