El 5 Feb 2004 a las 9:55, Fajar A. Nugraha escribió:

> >My question is towared the following: there was a recent discussion in 
> >the MailScanner mailing list because Julian Field (the developer) is not 
> >only deprecating, but also eliminating, the possibility of 'bouncing' a 
> >mail containing a virus back to its (aparent) originator.
> >
> >  
> >
> What I do is :
> -   reject virus with 550 SMTP error message at SMTP time, so there is 
> no need to create a bounce message
_I_ can do this (not within MailScanner, but with 
ZMailer+ZMScanner+ClamAv), however there are customers (or bosses, 
depending on where you are), that insist in stupid configurations... I'm 
trying to get a tool that can even survive a moderate level of stupdness 

> -   if your server can't reject virus at SMTP (CGPro cant), then send 
> bounces for all virus EXCEPT if the name is Worm.*
I had not thought of this one... does ClamAv's database entries names 
allways start with 'Worm.' when a virus is e-mail borne? I guess I can 
handle that.

Thanx a lot, Fajar!

Mariano Absatz
El Baby
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