Hi everyone,

First of all, I'm a recent clamav user (I know, I know, I should NOT
be ! :-) ), so please be indulgent with me. I however, of course
searched the archives in order to see whether my problem had a solution,
but found nothing relevant. I may have missed something, though.

Here is my problem: I submitted yesterday a new version of the paypal
trojan, which has been accepted as "Trojan.Spy.Paypal.A". My submission
was made via the web service.

The mail was an text/html one, with a quoted-printable encoding. So when
I run clamscan or clamdscan on a file containing the raw email, the
detection is correct.

The problem is that I run clamav as a virus scanner via amavis, and
amavis does all the decoding before calling the scanners. So when clamav
is called, it does NOT detect the trojan anymore, as it is no longer
quoted-printable encoded...

Is there a solution to this problem ?

Thanks in advance for any pointer/solution/etc. !

Best regards,


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