
I recently installed clamav-0.65 from the prebuilt binaries for fedora
core 1.  The installation was smooth.  I've integrated the clamav milter
into sendmail and it is definately checking email for virii.  However, the
email is not quarantined or removed, even if it contains a virus.  I'm
notified in /var/log/clamav/clamavd.log that a virus was found, but the
email is still delievered.  I have ScanMail enabled in the conf file, and
I can see in my maillog where clamav is scanning each email, but they are
all marked as clean, even when sending tests virii.  Have I missed
something obvious??  Do I need additional software installed to strip
emails or notify users that they have received an email with a virus
attached?? I thought that was the purpose of the milter.  Thanks for
clearing this up.


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