I use mailgraph: http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~dws/software/mailgraph/

I use Postfix/clamdscan. Clamsdcan is run by a script invoqued by
It works too with amavis.

Le mar 16/12/2003 à 01:05, Internet Helpdesk a écrit :
> Does someone already have a script that tallies up the viri found according
> to the clamd log file & prints the number found during a time period & also
> reports the top 5 or top 10 for that time period?
> I'll come up with one myself, if needed of course, but no sense in
> re-inventing the wheel, right?
> -Troy
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Cedric Foll
Ingénieur réseaux, Rectorat de Rouen
tèl: 02 35 14 77 51

"L'orgueil a plus de part que la bonté 
aux remontrances que nous faisons à 
ceux qui commettent des fautes; et nous 
ne les reprenons pas tant pour les en 
corriger que pour leur persuader que 
nous en sommes exempts."
La rochefoucauld

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