Le ven 05/12/2003 à 13:52, Thiago Lima a écrit :
>     Hi,
>     I've filled a false positive report in clam's website last week.
>     First I would like to know if there will be an email response to
> me that says if my report was correct and if it was incorporated into
> clam's virus DB.

You have to subscribe to the clamav-virusdb ML

>     Secondly I would like to know how much time should take to
> incorporate those changes (if there's any change) into virus db. 

Usualy it takes one or two days. Few hours if it's critical.

Cedric Foll
Ingénieur réseaux, Rectorat de Rouen
tèl: 02 35 14 77 51

"L'orgueil a plus de part que la bonté 
aux remontrances que nous faisons à 
ceux qui commettent des fautes; et nous 
ne les reprenons pas tant pour les en 
corriger que pour leur persuader que 
nous en sommes exempts."
La rochefoucauld

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