Hello Brian,

Thursday, December 4, 2003, 8:31:11 PM, you wrote:

BB> How much you want to bet that they either #1 didn't bother to update the
BB> definitions #2 aren't telling people that they have some sort of connection
BB> or agreement with one of the big vendors?  This like FUD to the extreme.  I
BB> run ClamAV alone here and it has yet to let a single virus through.

What kind of agreement do you think of? heise.de is one of the most
reliable sources for it-related news in germany. And they mentioned
that you canīt compare an OS-Project that is still under heavy
development (alpha-stage as they called it) with a commercial product
that was made by some big company with tons of manpower and money.
ClamAV is gettin better every day, with every signature and every line
of code. Still itīs far away from being a real challenger to the
"big" av-products - but iīm sure - we have seen nothing yet ;-)

If you want to blame someone just blame web.de. As one of the biggest
Freemailprovider with hundreds of thousands accounts it was their
mistake not to evaluate it better. as a matter of fact many of their
customers complain about false positives and no option to turn it off.

Just see it like this: Clam was able to fight in a
heavyweight-enviroment  - so you can see the code is pretty stable and
able to handle realy big loads. :-)

Oh - and of course there are viruses that canīt be recognized by clam
- tons of them, but itīs only a matter of time....

Best regards,
 Christoph                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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