* Philipp Ringli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20031203 18:03]: wrote:
> hi all,

Hi Ringli,

How is Schweiz? I've been there once 'in my dream' ;)

> i get these errors:
> ERROR: Malformed CVD header detected.
> ERROR: Can't read main.cvd header from database.clamav.net 
> (
> ERROR: Malformed CVD header detected.
> ERROR: Can't read main.cvd header from database.clamav.net 
> (
> ERROR: Malformed CVD header detected.
> ERROR: Can't read main.cvd header from database.clamav.net 
> (
> and:
> ERROR: Can't open config file /etc/clamav.conf !

You have to _have_ the file there.

> ERROR: Can't parse configuration file.
> i do not have a clamav.conf file in /etc.
> i couldn't find anything in the list archive about the clamav.conf file.
> is there a default clamav.conf somewhere? like a recommended 
> clamav.conf?
> i installed clamav using a rpm.

Do rpms come with a file name README or INSTALL or HOWTO?

> clamscan is used by a filter for xmail. seems to work fine.

Ok. Something  like this will help...

find / -name "clamav.conf -exec cp /etc/ {} \;
find / -type f -name "clamav.conf" | xargs cp /etc/clamav.conf

You have to edit that file once it is /etc and comment out the line
with 'Example'.

       - wash 
Odhiambo Washington                     . WANANCHI ONLINE LTD (Nairobi, KE)  |
<wash at wananchi dot com>              . 1ere Etage, Loita Hse, Loita St.,  |
GSM: (+254) 722 743 223                 . # 10286, 00100 NAIROBI             |
GSM: (+254) 733 744 121                 . (+254) 020 313 985 - 9             |
"Oh My God! They killed init! You Bastards!"  
                                                 --from a /. post

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