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i just tried the "new" release (0.65 stable) on a solaris8 (sparc)-box. compilation went fine (with sun one cc8). freshclam works, but when i am trying to scan some directories (clamscan -r -l scan.txt DIR) a core-dump is being thrown.

next, i compiled the clamav-devel-20031118-snapshot but with the same result. clamscan dies after having scanned approximately 30-40 files.

the next thing i tried, was testing against solaris 9, also compiling with the sun one 8 compiler collection. when i tried to run clamscan recursively from the root-filesystem, clamscan dies (core) after having processed some x thousand files, everytime on the same file.

then i run clamscan recursively against my clamav-source-directory, and voilą, it dies after some few files (having scanned some 40-60 files).

i could not remember to see those problems before, running clamav with solaris9 on an sparc box. next. (i tried some configure-settings like - --enable-bigstack, but without any success).

the next test was compiling with gcc 3.3.2 under solaris9, and now, everything went smooth. i didn't experience those problems like before! however, it seems as if clamscan runs somehow slower in contrast to the compilation with sun cc...but i could be wrong!

anyone experienced this problem before? how can clamscan be build with sun one 8 compiler collection without any errors?

any ideas?


nikolaj wicker
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (Darwin)


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