* Alejandro Martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20031119 18:01]: wrote:
> Hi, I have a problem with freshclam.
> I have compiled clamav without problmes on a Tawie 2.0 box.
> Clamd and clamscan works fine, but I have a problem when I do a freshclam.
> The message that I get is "Can't change dir to /usr/local/share/clamav".
> The /usr/local/share/clamav directory is owned by clamav, group clamav with 755.
> The clamav version is 0.65

What user do you have in clamav.conf?

       - wash 
Odhiambo Washington                     . WANANCHI ONLINE LTD (Nairobi, KE)  |
<wash at wananchi dot com>              . 1ere Etage, Loita Hse, Loita St.,  |
GSM: (+254) 722 743 223                 . # 10286, 00100 NAIROBI             |
GSM: (+254) 733 744 121                 . (+254) 020 313 985 - 9             |
"Oh My God! They killed init! You Bastards!"  
                                                 --from a /. post

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