

I am trying to install Clam AV 0.65 on a system running Red Hat 9.  I have tried to install it using rpm versions of 0.54, 0.6 and 0.65.  I have also tried tarballs of 0.6 and 0.54.  Everything seems to install correctly, and clamscan and freshclam both function correctly.  However, when I try to start the clamd daemon, with service clamd start, or clamd start it says ok, but when I check the service clamd status it says “clamd dead subsys locked”.  It appears to be starting, and then “subsys locking” immediately afterwards.  I have tried rebooting my system, uninstalling and reinstalling and removing the /var/lock/subsys/clamd file.


I’m out of ideas as to why this is happening.  Is it something to do with my config file – although I have left that exactly as it came with clam.


Any ideas?





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