
I'm having a weird problem while trying to chroot clamd (0.65)
It seems it is not using the new .cvd files. When I don't have viruses.db and 
viruses.db2 in the database
directory, it says "ERROR: Database initialization error."

The main.cvd and daily.cvd are in place however.
When i put the viruses.db and viruses.db2 in the directory, it seems to work fine.
The problem now is that freshclam does not update viruses.db and viruses.db2.

When I compile clamd en libclamav in debug mode and set ForeGround in clamav.conf, 
clamd just hangs on 'reading main.cvd'.

Has anyone seen this problem aswell? It would somehow be nice to run clamd chrooted, 
from a security perspective, and have an
up2date virus database.



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