* Kevin Brouelette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20031025 07:56]: wrote:
> Hello
> I have been testing clamav stable and CVS on two different pc's 
> and have questions re: the updates I fetch via cron:
> If I'm running stable on one box and CVS on another am I running
> the same virus def's on both or are they specific to the version of
> clamav I'm running?

If you install the CVS version, I believe it uses the new CVD format,
so yes, the db are different. By stable you mean 0.60 yes?

> Second,  how do I know I'm running the 'lastest' version of the virus
> definitions?  I can look at the log file but is there another way
> to see if I actually pulled the latest so I'm not out of date?

Write the freshclam output to a logfile and analyse it. From what I
think, updating the db 3 times a day could mean "upto date". Let the
db maintainers tell us what the reality is though ;)

> Maybe a switch on 'freshclam' would be cool.  "freshclam --defs"
> or something.

man freshclam.

> Are the latest def version #'s posted in the change log, CVS or on the
> website or anywhere so I can verify I'm current? I don't see them
> on the website.

Hmm, I don't think so, but you can run freshclam from within a shell
script that would include diff-ing so that you see what changes were

       - wash 
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