On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 at  3:52:04 -0400, lists wrote:
> i' ve recently started using clamav to scan SAMBA directories, and to 
> scan incoming e-mail messages (in conjunction with amavis).
> i've been seeing a lot of false positives on the file scans, most of 
> them Word macro virii:
>  WordMacro.Concept
>  W97M/Story.A
>  Trojan.Stealth.D

When have you seen the latest false positive about Trojan.Stealth.D?
Because the false positive has been already reported, I replaced the
signature on 2003.10.16 and the reporter confirmed that the problem went

> my script sends the clamav report to our IT support department mailing 
> list, and i'm getting some negative feedback from techs about all the 
> false positives wasting time.
> also, i'm very concerned that clamav may be rejecting e-mail documents 
> that contain attachments that are not infected.
> this is pretty serious for us - is this a known issue?  is there a fix 
> or a workaround?  how about a list of known false positives, and a way 
> to bypass scanning for these?

An emergency, personal workaround is removing the culprit signature from
the viruses.db (viruses.db2) file. Of course the next execution of
automatic update of the database will overwrite the file.

The correct fix is to submit such falsely infected file via normal way: 
< http://clamav.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/sendvirus.cgi >, clearly stating
that you think that it's not infected file and it gives false positive
about what virus. The more details, the better (e.g. which AV scanners
do *not* detect a virus in the file).

 Tomasz Papszun   SysAdm @ TP S.A. Lodz, Poland  | And it's only
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.lodz.tpsa.pl/   | ones and zeros.

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