Se dam jour,

I am requesting anyone who has successfully managed to checkout the
latest cvs version to send me a tarball of it. All my attempts to
get it has failed - connection refused!



Odhiambo Washington   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  "The box said 'Requires
Wananchi Online Ltd.      Windows 95, NT, or better,'
Tel: +254 2 313985-9  +254 2 313922         so I installed FreeBSD."   
GSM: +254 72 743223   +254 733 744121       This sig is McQ!  :-)

My God, I'm depressed!  Here I am, a computer with a mind a thousand
times as powerful as yours, doing nothing but cranking out fortunes and
sending mail about softball games.  And I've got this pain right
through my ALU.  I've asked for it to be replaced, but nobody ever
listens.  I think it would be better for us both if you were to just
log out again.

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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