Hi there,

Our company is very happy with clam and was wondering how the clam project
is funded?  We just want to make sure it's going to be around for a while.
I see on the web site it says the site is hosted for free by sourceforge.net
but what about bandwidth usage and developers time etc?  Does the clam
project work off donations or just kind people's free time?
Where is the clam project based?  Are you in the US?

Thanks for any info
The LDS Corporation

As far as I understand there's no one getting money for what he/she(?) does to the project.
The project was created by Tomas Kojm (Poland), and in pre-sourceforge.net times the project was hosted for free by an italian hosting company, elektrapro.com.

Maybe some of the leads can sched more light on this?

For a (more or less) complete list of developers see the file "AUTHORS" in the tarball.


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