> Well, I can prove the failure for
>       root # /usr/clamav/sbin/clamd --version
>       clamd / ClamAV version 20030806
> selfbuilt with exim/exiscan 4.21.
> one thread goes defunct, the master thread idles around and the third is
> stuck in an empty event loop.
> Exim connections pile up to (in this case: 777) connections and the mail
> exchanger grinds down.
> After killing clamd
>   stop)
>     pkill -9 -P 1 clamd && sleep 1 && echo 'Clam anti virus daemon stopped'
> and waiting some additional time(!!!) it can be restarted
>   start)
>     rm -f /var/clamav/run/clamd
>     clamd && echo 'Clam anti virus daemon started'
> Note the manual deletion of the socket. Bad bad bad bunny!

Yes, this is all exactly what we experience.

> What exactly do You mean with "more robust against mail bodies"? There
> should be no way to break the scanner with "bad mail". It should *protect*
> other systems, not being exploitable(?) itself.

Theoretically your right,  but it does take time to develope software
that meets that high criteria.  CLAMAV is relatively young.

> So, which version *is* stable?

Apparently, for the milter work, none.  It probably will be some day,
for now we'll go find something else and check back later (since
20030806 isn't stable either).

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