Ted Fines wrote:
None of the systems I have run it through think this is a virus. Here are the systems that did not detect it (note four different vendors).

(1) Norton Antivirus/Windows
(2) Command Antivirus/Netware (I emailed the unzipped file as an attachment from my webmail account at www.myrealbox.com, which uses Command antivirus; it was not detected)
(3) McAfee Antivirus/Solaris (our mail server scans everything with this)
(4) Clam AV

Please check the MsdosDll.exe that I posted to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (virus number 68) with a local copy of Kaspersky or online at <http://www.kaspersky.com/remoteviruschk.html>.

I believe that this is the Keylogger.Trojan as per Symantec definition:

I've deleted your original post, so I don't know why you think this file is a virus. Do you have some program that says it is, or do you know it is from other info?

I can post it again if it is necessary but it already is virus number 68 at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Rodrigo Severo

Rodrigo Severo
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