I'm using the libclamav API to build my own Sendmail local mailer.

I have compiled the mailer to analize the emails it receives and reject them 
if contain virus.
I'm using the cl_scandesc library function to scan the incoming email, but the 
problem I have is that this function doesn't scan the attachments in the 

I know that there is a mbox option for this function that allows the 
attachment scan but I haven't found any info a bout it in the manual.
How must I do for use this option ?

Another iusse is that if the scaned email has more than one virus in its 
attachments, the sl_scandes function will give me only the name of one of the 
virus found. Moreover, I will not be able to know which attachments are 
inffected and which not, and which infected attachment has which virus.
I would be able to know wihch attachments are infected and by which virus.
Is there any solution to this ?

I have seen that the new clamav snapshot has a  "libclamav: mbox code - big 
update (Nigel)". Where may I found the new features of this big update ?

Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó

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