Hi all,

According to the docs at <http://clamav.elektrapro.com/doc/html/node16.html>, clamd can be controlled with commands like PING, RELOAD, QUIT, etc.

Then, according to <http://clamav.elektrapro.com/doc/html/node17.html>:
"Always stop the daemon cleanly, with QUIT command or SIGTERM signal. In other case, you can lose an access to the protected files until the system is restarted. "

I can't get clamd <any argument> to work, other than 'clamd -h' or 'clamd -v':

# clamd
# ps -ef | grep clam
root       864     1  3 08:35 ?        00:00:00 clamd
# clamd QUIT
# clamd quit
# ps -ef | grep clam
root       864     1  0 08:35 ?        00:00:00 clamd

So, then I kill it, with 'kill -9 <ps #>'. I don't lose access to the directories that clamd was protecting.

The install docs for clamav were pretty clear, so I guess I'm just not understanding the meaning of the doc pages I quoted above. Can someone clarify how I am supposed to use the QUIT, etc. commands for clamd?

Ted Fines

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