I use Clam with qmail-scanner and the setup is quite simple.
Just download and install the Clamav with the default options (configure, make, make install). You can run configure with the option --disable-clamuko if you don’t need this. Depending on mail load I can highly recommend that you use the Clam daemon. Just configure Clam to run as user qmailq (User qmailq) and socket (LocalSocket /var/spool/qmailscan/clamd if you want qmail-scanner to communicate with Clam via a socket).
After this, just run the qmail-scanner install. It should detect the av-scanner automatically, but you will have to change qmail-scanner to let it use either clamdscan or the socket created through the conf-file. Attached you will find a subroutine you can use in qmail-scanner to let it use socket (I haven’t tested it with RH8.0 but it should work) – you will need some Perl understanding to implement this. If this seems too difficult, I suggest you go with clamdscan.
Best regards, Diego d'Ambra
Hi, from Panama!!!
I'm a newbie using Linux and i got a server with RH8.0, Qmail and Squid.
I need to install a Antivirus and many users invitedme to use qmail-scanner, but to install qmail-scanner i must install first clamav.
I'm using the tutorial publicated in the home page of Clam AV and i need donīt wanna run clamscan in superuser mode.
Can anybody help me?
Sorry, but my english is little.
sub clamscan_scanner { #Clam scanner modification use IO::Socket; my($start_clam_time)=[gettimeofday]; my($keep_scanning, $response, $virus_name, $stop_clam_time, $clam_time, $path);
&debug("clam: starting scan of directory \"$scandir/$file_id\"..."); $keep_scanning = 1; if(!(socket(\*sock, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0))) { &debug("Couldn\'t create clam socket\($!\)\n"); &tempfail("Couldn\'t create clam socket\($!\)\n"); } if(!(connect(\*sock, pack_sockaddr_un $clam_socket))) { &debug("Couldn\'t connect\(\) to the clam socket TSOCKET \($!\)\n"); &tempfail("Couldn\'t connect\(\) to the clam socket TSOCKET \($!\)\n"); } # Scan directory $path = "SCAN $scandir/$file_id\n"; syswrite(\*sock, $path, length($path)); sysread(\*sock, $response, 256); if($response =~ /OK$/) { &debug("STATUS: $scandir/$file_id is clean! - response = $response\n"); } elsif($response =~ /FOUND$/) { # Virus found, find out what it is if ($response =~ m/: .* FOUND$/) { ($quarantine_description) = ($response =~ m/: (.*) FOUND$/); $quarantine_description=~s/\0//g; } &debug("There be a virus! ($quarantine_description)"); ($quarantine_event=$quarantine_description)=~s/\s/_/g; $quarantine_event="Clam:".substr($quarantine_event,0,$QE_LEN); }; $description .= "\n---Clam daemon results ---\n"; $description .= "FILE/DIR INFECTED : $scandir/$file_id\n"; $description .= "VIRUS FOUND : $quarantine_description\n"; } else { #This implies a corrupt set of files or resource problems... &tempfail("corrupt or unknown Clam scanner/resource problems"); } $stop_clam_time=[gettimeofday]; $clam_time = tv_interval ($start_clam_time, $stop_clam_time); &debug("clam: finished scan of dir \"$scandir/$file_id\" in $clam_time s ecs"); } ###Comment### Please note this subrutine uses a new variabel $clam_socket="/pathto/socket" (see below). Add this to top of the qmail-scanner script. Clamd config file (clamav.conf) should contain "LocalSocket /var/spool/qmailscan/clamd" (or path to qmail-scanner $scandir) and "User qmailq" (or user used by qmail-scanner).
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