On Tue, 27 May 2003, Ronan Lucio wrote:

> Hello,
> I'd like to make a report about the viruses catched by ClamAV.
> So, to do this I tried to read the clamav log file and create
> a txt file with the results, but, when I remove the clamd log
> file, ClamAV don't create it againg. ClamAV only create a new
> log file when I restart it.
> So, If I want to leave the file blank each time I read it,
> should I restart clamd?
> It's not so good to an automated process.
> Any tip would be appreciated.

I hope you already rotate that log with logrotate.  How often do you want 
to generate the report?  Weekly?  Rotate the log weekly and logrotate will 
take care of the log file recreation.  If you want to rotate the log 
monthly and generate the report weekly then a trick I frequently use will 
work for you.  First get a copy of LogCheck.


Ungz and untar that file.  Compile logcheck.  You don't have to install it 
if you don't want the whole thing (handy tool though).  Copy src/logtail 
to somewhere useful like /usr/local/bin/.  Usage is simple:

logtail  /path/to/your/log  offsetFile  >  tempFile

Logtail stores the decimal offset and inode of the file in file to
remember exactly what it last read from the log file.  It outputs the
remaining log to STDOUT.  Dump that to a temp file and use that file as a
collection of data for your report generating.  Automate this with crons.  
First call a script that calls logtail.  Then call your report generation
script.  Or merge the two and pipe logtail's output into your report
generation script.  I always dump it to file because I pull multiple data
sources from that output (like POP and IMAP client connections or spam
rejections of various types in a 5 minute period).

I threw together the shell script below to call logtail and handle simple
instance locking in one go.



# Local lock file check/creation
if [ -f $workDir/$lockFile ];
  echo ERROR: Local lock "$workDir/$lockFile" exists.;
  exit 1;
   date > $workDir/$lockFile 

# remove the old temp file if it exists
# Not really needed but...
if [ -f $tmpFile ]; then
 rm -f $tmpFile 

$LOGTAIL /var/log/maillog $offsetFile > $tmpFile

# Remove the lock file.
 rm -f $workDir/$lockFile || echo "ERROR: Can't remove $workDir/$lockFile."

Good luck

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