I am getting this problem and I have just confirmed that our upstream ISP uses 
a transparent proxy. Is there a way to force a transparent proxy to not cache 
the data?

cheers, Iain.

On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 02:39, Chris Hastie wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, "Myles Pope (MLPA)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> >This md5 sum 'bug/issue' may be related to the fact that some ISPs have
> >a 'transparent' proxy inline downstream. (Mine does)
> >Perhaps the md5 calc is coming off an old cached version?
> >I believe that if you append a "?" on a url that it bypasses the proxy
> >and so I suspect it may be possible to hack the freshclam code to do
> >something like this for freshclam retreivals.
> >Does anyone agree this is worthwhile and know how to go about it?
> I have had precisely this problem in the past, but since the
> introduction of the --disable-cache option, which is now the default
> since 0.54, things have been fine here.
> The problem manifested in a couple of ways. 1 -  freshclam refused to
> update, saying everything was already up to date. This occurred because
> it checks the md5 from the server, and was getting a cached version. 2 -
> It recognised the need to update, grabbed the 'new' database and then
> complained that it didn't match the md5. This occurred when the md5 it
> got from the proxy was new but the database was still old.
> The changes made to freshclam since should have sorted this out, but
> transparent proxies are tricky beasts. I've also suggested ensuring the
> server sends suitable cache-control and expires headers would help,
> which is easily arranged on an Apache server by adding
> | ExpiresActive On
> | ExpiresDefault A0
> to the .htaccess file in the appropriate directory.
> When the problem was bugging me I found I could often get somewhere by
> viewing the database and md5 files in a browser and hitting ctl+refresh
> to force the proxy to refresh - though since I believe that's exactly
> what the --disable-cache option did it may be won't work for you.

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