Quoting W a s h i n g t o n <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Thank you very much for the response. I am glad you are using FreeBSD.
> I did do a bit more reading and noted that there is version 0.51.
> However, I do have 2 questions still..
> 1. In the README for 0.51, it is noted thus "
>     ClamAV 0.50 was tested on Linux and Solaris and should work fine.
>     There is a problem with clamd on FreeBSD (tested on my FreeBSD
> 5.0-CURRENT) -
>     the daemon crashes with Zip/Gzip files (disabling ScanArchive should
> help)."
>     So my question is: How did you overcome this position??

I'm also using clamd with FreeBSD. Yes, scanning a zip files kills the daemon. 
There is also a bug whereby the daemon can not be shut down cleanly. Someone 
else has confirmed the same problem in a message to this list recently.

As to the first problem I have disabled archive scanning. I use amavisd and 
that makes a fine job of exploding archives so I have no need to get clamd to 
do it. 

And the second. Well I don't shutdown the daemon often. But when I do I'm using 
a script to kill it and then remove the socket file. Not ideal, but it does for 
> 2. This is abit OT - What MTA are you running and what are you using to
> intergrate
>    that MTA with clamav. I use Exim here and I am thinking of using Exiscan
> or
>   Amavs-ng.....

I'm using Postfix and amavisd-new-20020517 with some crude hacking to work with 
clamd. And just to be on the safe side whilst clamd remains experimental, the 
hacking is done that it falls back on clamscan if the daemon has died.

Chris Hastie

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