I have both installed and can run on same computers on both MacOS and Win.  
macOS is simple, just rename one if the apps.  I renamesd the Next one to 
Chirp-Next before putting it in Applications directory.  Windows was a bit more 
involved, but not too difficult either.  I installed legacy normally, then 
copied the directory to a new location and made new shortcuts. I think I 
might’ve let the uninstaller run to remove the original and also so it wouldn’t 
be in Add/Remove Programs.  I then installed Next normally.  I can now run 
either or even both on Win also..

Sent from my iPhone Pro Max

> On Mar 14, 2024, at 6:02 PM, Eric <ch...@brunsen.com> wrote:
> Is there a way to run Chirp Legacy and Chirp next side by side without 
> uninstalling/installing them?
> There is at least one thing for the BaoFeng radios I use that can be set in 
> Legacy but not in Next (I opened a ticket about it).
> Thanks,
> Eric
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