On Thu, 1 Feb 2024 20:06:33 -0500, Jim Unroe <rock.un...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > 1. only 6 character channel names!
> If only 6 characters appear, then this is because the radio's firmware
> limits the display to only supporting 6 characters. This is common for
> these so-called 'waterproof' models. Because of this, the default name
> length configured in the driver is 6 characters. Then for the few
> models that have been found to support 7 characters, the name length
> is expanded to 7 characters. The GT-3WP is one that is set to 7.

That's what seems strange to me, out of desperation I dug in to the CHIRP 
source as installed via 'pip' thinking I could change this to 7, and found that 
like you say it was already set to 7, but I seem to have a GT-3WP on hand which 
truncates them to 6. I picked it up used, no idea how old it is.

I have two more GT-3WPs coming in the mail soon, so I'll shortly see if I can 
reproduce it on either of the others.

> > 2. the 'B' or lower channel is set incorrectly compared to the intended 
> > setting in CHIRP.
> How so? The code that handles this is quite mature and has been
> working satisfactorily for around 8 years. Usually when someone thinks
> one or both display lines are not working as they expect, it is what
> they expect that is incorrect. So please explain here what you think
> is not working or go ahead and open a ticket. Your choice.

It's been a couple weeks since I tested it, I was under the impression that 
there was an offset being applied to the lower channel, e.g. setting 30 
actually sets 10, 35 sets 15, etc. But I'll re-do my tests and characterize the 
issue fully and open a ticket. This is the same GT-3WP that only accepts 
6-character channel names. It was apparently in use at a fire station before I 
got it and came to me with some presets programmed, I'll include the backups 

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