>From the photo, shouldn't the CTCSS be 110.9 rather than 118.8?

On Wed, Jan 31, 2024, 2:47 PM Jim Unroe <rock.un...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Bennie,
> On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 5:40 AM Bennie Potgieter
> <potgieterbaren...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Gooday
> >
> > I used this unit to get a a channel from a radio on a repeater is this
> the transmit or receive channel and the CT tone is positive I think how do
> I get te other channel end how do I feed it Manuel and with Chirp into my
> UV5R?
> First you have to realize that the frequency transmitted from the
> source radio is probably not going to be perfect. And second, the
> cheap rike frequency counter (I have one, too) is probably not going
> to be 100% accurate. Knowing this, the actual frequency would most
> likely be 464.375.
> Since the frequency captured is from a transmitting radio, the
> frequency is the transmit frequency of the user (the repeater's RX
> frequency). In the only document that I have been able to find with
> 464.375 being used as a repeater frequency, the repeater's TX
> frequency is 5.000 MHz (which is common for UHF repeaters in the USA).
> It is obvious that a 118.8 Hz CTCSS tone is being transmitted to the
> repeater. It would make sense to assume that this is required to
> access the repeater. It is possible that the repeater doesn't require
> a tone, but in that case, transmitting one anyway won't hurt anything.
> If the repeater doesn't require a tone and/or doesn't transmit one
> back (or transmits a different CTCSS tone or even a DCS code), then
> copy-and-pasting the following into CHIRP-next should work.
> [454.375000/+5.000/118.8]
> If the repeater does transmit a 118.8 CTCSS tone back to the user then
> copy-and-pasting the following into CHIRP-next should work.
> [454.375000/+5.000/118.8/118.8]
> I would copy-and-paste both into CHIRP creating 2 channels that you
> can test with.
> Just note that depending on where in the world you are located, it may
> not be legal for you to transmit with your radio on that frequency so
> any transmission that you may make is solely your responsibility.
> Jim KC9HI
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