Thank you.

Wireshark is not the issue. I am familiar with wireshark, tcpdump and co
on shell.
But i think i need a windows vm to run the anytone programming tool on,
which generates the communication i have to sniff.

On 29.12.23 10:24, Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:
> Doesn't have to be Windows.
> Wireshark, for instance, is available for Win, Mac and Linux.
>> On 29/12/2023 08:05 GMT Chris via chirp_users 
>> <> wrote:
>> Hi Dan,
>> ok, then i have to do it by sniffing rs232 communication with a windows
>> machine.
>> Thank you. I am sure i will come back with questions if i go further in
>> that idea.
>> Best regards
>> Chris
>> On 28.12.23 20:31, Dan Smith via chirp_users wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>>> anybody on the list active in programming and can tell me, how to get
>>>> information aboput data structures and communication protocol on serial
>>>> tty, to understand what is happening?
>>>> I want to modify code to add support for anytone at 5555 and have no
>>>> idea how to get it.
>>>> I thought about sniffing rs232 from a windows machine to reverse
>>>> engineering, but have and want no windows machine here.
>>>> Now i am searching for a short intruduction or some tips where to get
>>>> the information without analyzing serial port communication.
>>>> Maybe some handy developers are present on that list and can send me a
>>>> bit information.
>>> Please take this sort of discussion to the developer's mailing list. More 
>>> info here:
>>> That said, I hate to tell you but reverse-engineering serial protocols and 
>>> memory formats is how all of CHIRP was written. The best scenario is when 
>>> the radio manufacturer hasn't actively tried to obscure the protocol, but 
>>> some of them definitely have. You will need to *at least* sniff the OEM 
>>> (usually Windows) software's communication, unless the radio has a clone 
>>> function you can sniff. And that will only open the door to decoding the 
>>> actual image contents once you get it.
>>> Anyway, if you need specific help, please continue this discussion on the 
>>> developer's mailing list from the link above.
>>> Thanks!
>>> --Dan
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