Actually, the RT20 has a USB-C plug. The cable is available from Retevis.  I'm 
not sure what's in it, but I tried a straight USB cable and it didn't work. 
Attarently there's a serial chip (two?) In the cable. I'see if I can do some 
playing around and figure out what's in it

- de k9ps

On Dec 26, 2023, 3:03 PM, at 3:03 PM, Jim Unroe <> wrote:
>On Tue, Dec 26, 2023 at 12:21 PM K Hindall <>
>> Update: I am now using CHIRP-next.
>> But I am completely baffled. The radio is not talking to CHIRP, but I
>> baffled regarding the cable.
>> Can someone tell me what cable I need to connect from the RT20 to a
>> 2.0 port?
>> Thank you!
>> K
>Any programming cable with a Kenwood style 2-pin plug on the radio end
>and a module containing a USB-to-Serial chip on the computer end
>should work. It is best to have one using an FTDI style chip because
>you can take advantage of the Apple native FTDI driver. Other chip
>brands may require the purchase of 3rd party drivers. Here are a few
>examples of FTDI chip based programming cables that should work.
>Jim KC9HI
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