Sorry I don't quite understand, when I reload the stock config to the radio
the same issue persists. Are you asking me to send you the stock config?

Best Regards,

Brennan Mann

On Sat, Sep 16, 2023, 1:25 PM Jim Unroe <> wrote:

> > When I attempt to access the "settings" tab on my uv-9r pro i get the
> error message "Value 16665 not in range 130-179".  How should i proceed?
> Your radio has a recent change that makes it compatible with CHIRP.
> Your radio has blanked out its VFO settings (which are invalid and
> CHIRP is letting you know about it). Hopefully you saved the first
> successful download from your radio and saved it, unedited, to be kept
> in a safe place as a backup. If not, you should be able to find a copy
> in the CHIRP backups folder.
> I've currently got a test driver module for UV-5R/UV-82 like radios
> that I am waiting on feedback before I submit it (ticket #10505).
> Open a ticket for the UV-9R like radios and I will try to create a
> test driver module for these radios.
> Until then, your best option is to hang onto that "original" image and
> don't use CHIRP to program your radio.
> Jim KC9HI
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