I’m using CHIRP next-20230905, but had the same problem with the last release 
as well.

When programming my Yaesu FT-65R, I’m running into a couple issues:

1.  If I set even a single memory to NFM instead of FM, then the next time I 
upload to my radio, all memories after that one are set to NFM.  Example: I set 
memory 36 to NFM.  Memories 36-100 all are set to NFM, even though in CHIRP, 
they look like they should be set to FM.  I’ve tried doing a full reset of the 
radio, and also tried a memory reset of the radio.  Next time I upload, they go 
back to NFM.

2.  If I have memories assigned to Banks, and then delete a memory without 
first unchecking the box for the bank, the memory stays as a phantom memory.  
To replicate:  Add a new memory and assign it to a bank number (Bank 2 is what 
I used).  Then, after it’s been uploaded to the radio, delete the memory in 
CHIRP, and re-upload to the radio.  When the radio is not set on a Bank, the 
memory does not show up in the radio.  Now, switch the radio to Bank 2.  The 
memory and all of its settings are there even though it was deleted.  To 
resolve it, set a new memory to the same memory number, and go into banks, and 
uncheck Bank 2.  Then, save and go back to memories and delete the memory.  
Re-upload to the radio and the memory is now gone.

Thanks for your hard work keeping CHIRP running for all of us!


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