On 2023-06-29 15:30:-0700, you wrote:
>I posted another "CHIRP Tips" video,<...>
>Hopefully there's at least one tip in there you didn't already know about!

GM, Dan,
Given the questions that pop up here, I say that we can really use these vids. 
Not only did I learn a few techniques, but it was nice to hear your rationale 
for managing channels, even if I have chosen a somewhat different approach. 
I'll review the vid and think about what I do...

I changed my 
stock_configs = E:\@online docs\Amateur Radio\CHIRP stock_configs
as a test.

?? Something I did yesterday during my testing and installing the latest 
standalone version emptied out my custom stock_configs dir (or I did it by 
mistake) and cleared the [prefs] section so that when I started up this 
morning, I got the default loc.

** I subsequently did all the steps again today, including installing the new 
chirp-next-20230630-win32 version, adding [prefs] to my config. At the end of 
the tests, some files are missing.

I had copied the csv files from the CHIRP install to my custom dir, as a way to 
get a bunch of files to test, rather than comb mine from various places. After 
I closed CHIRP, they are missing from my custom dir. All that remains are the 
files of mine that I placed there.

YouTube URL names:
I'd like to see them save down as
CHIRP - AdvancedConfig
instead of
AdvancedConfig - CHIRP
I rename all such links this way so that they are grouped better in my file 
system. Then when I am looking for CHIRP (whatever) links, I scan for CHIRP 
first, then the subject.

"Group" =? "section" ?
Maybe [whatever] isn't really needed? CHIRP simply scans for keys? At any rate, 
I decided that "group" means "section", and it worked fine.
stock_configs : dir names with spaces? Yes...handled them with no "" required.

BOM - yep. I tripped myself here. I have my editor set to change unknown file 
types that are UTF-8 to use a BOM. Then when I saved the config file, CHIRP 
threw a mysterious (at the time) error, saying that the first line had an 
error. Of course, it didn't appear in the editor, so I was puzzled at first.

72/73 de Rich NE1EE
The Dusty Key
On the banks of the Piscataqua

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