A new build of CHIRP-next is available. This includes changes made directly to
the tree since yesterday and may include additional features, bug fixes, etc.
Unless you have a reason not to, we recommend using the latest build of
CHIRP-next at all times.
You can get it from here:
A list of changes since the last build are here:
9c668647 Constrain port box width
5b47866d Auto-size row labels for long strings
7f0026a2 Don't override special names on UV-K5
c60ece13 Remove UV-K5 development version string
0344c833 Allow relaxing UV-K5 band limits for modified FW
f81e1977 Add Quansheng UV-K5 driver
11e6bcb2 dupe() memory in set_memory() for memcache
d7b82e41 Remove unused bandplan_na import from wp970i
177436f7 Remove unused variable and unneeded seek()
c23be2be Fix typo
0af12dd0 Remove clean files from tools/cpep8.manifest
1d1df46a Fix two instances of "E722 do not use bare 'except'"
170b3164 Remove duplicate methods
5725c2cd Remove duplicate imports
525db7fd Remove unused variable in except clauses
eb1eca18 Remove unused imports
72aae7de Remove unused dictionary SETTING_LISTS
353bcec0 Fix W605 invalid escape sequence
90cdd61b Fix undefined names
7113480a Ignore false positive "F821 undefined name '_'"
b66b6247 Properly indent sub-groups in RadioSettingGroup.__str__
3a9e9ee4 Fix spelling
be00c4eb Update es.po
efa07626 Retevis RB75: Support full band TX/RX - fixes #10663
55625b41 Retevis H777S/RT24: Support full band TX/RX - fixes #10454
65da68ae Baofeng GMRS-9R: Support full band TX/RX - fixes #10388
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